Monday, September 27, 2010

Priceless Moments...

If you're a mother, you know that if your child crawls into the kitchen and then proceeds to be quiet as a mouse for more than 5 minutes...he/she is definitely into some sort of mischief. Vienna wasn't choking, and I could see the top of her head, so I let her do whatever it was she was doing for a while before going to "rain on her parade". When I did get up to go see what had her so occupied in silence, I discovered a messy little girl, apple sauce smeared on the floor, her clothes and her face. She had found the little containers of apple sauce in a grocery bag, poked her little finger through the foil and helped her self to some yummy goodness! It was too cute, I had no desire to stop her...after all, the mess was already made and she was having a good time eating exactly what mommy had bought for her anyway...

Our puppy has a name! ~Reeses~

Watching these 2 babies rough house together and play is so cute. Vienna is always crawling over to the "puppy bucket" to "talk" to and pet Reeses. They both love being outside, the fresh air, freedom to roam and get dirty. At times, it can be a handful having a little toddler and a puppy but seeing the joy on Vienna's face as she plays with her "buddy" is worth it all...

Pouting girl...needs to be cheered up:

*Hug* Reeses can make her smile:

Best buddies:

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Our Little Bundle of Joy...

Oh the joy that our little girl brings to our lives! Some days have me in tears because of the feeling of inadequacy but always am I in awe at the twinkle in her eye, her sweet giggles, her hugs and the joy she brings to our family. May we as her parents always channel God's unconditional love to, when she's a young girl and when she becomes a woman. Raising her to seek the Lord, be confident in what He has for her life and help her to run after it with all her might.

Helping Mommy unpack...loved it when she climbed into the basket and rocked it back and forth like she was in a boat.
One of her favorite "toys" is a toothbrush. Good chew toy...and easily fits in the diaper bag so it ends up coming with us everywhere. LOL.

Playing in the rain is so much fun! Allowed to make a mess, get dirty and bliss!

After getting all muddy and cold, a nice warm bath was in order. My little splashing fishy just loves water...

Just felt like sharing a few moments of what goes on during the day in our home. Lots teaching, training, loving, fun and mischief! Vienna definitely keeps us on our toes...never a dull moment around here!

Friday, September 17, 2010

Vienna's and my trip to IL

While Vince was away across the world in Africa, my grandparents flew Vienna and me up to Illinois for a visit. It was not only a refreshing change of pace, but a time of great memory making. So glad we were able to get away and enjoy our family and friends :)

It was great being able to spend time with both sides of the family. Thank you Uncle John and Aunt Barb for having a gathering at your house and Grandpa and Grandma Fiordelisi for hosting one at your house as well. Both evenings were delightful and I loved getting to see everyone.

Time with my Dad's side of the family...

Time with my Mom's side of the family...

Though the time was short, we were thrilled to see some friends. Thanks for having us over Mrs. Carlson! Thank you Megan and Anna for going out with me a couple times and for the endless spite of our creepy restaurant experiences. LOL.

The day before we headed back home, we had some fun in the sun with my Grandma's at the Apple Orchard! Vienna loved the animals, crawling on the play train and most of all, riding a pony :)