Saturday, December 4, 2010

A Bit of News...

A couple pieces of news for my poor readers who keep checking our blog and wondering where we've gone and what Vienna looks like now, what we've been up to and why I've neglected you...

Our computer has broken down! I am currently on my parent's computer writing this which means, I don't have pictures to post and this blog may be "neglected" for just a bit longer until we can get a new computer and transfer all our pictures.

Next bit of news is WAY more exciting and many of you may already know...
WE ARE HAVING ANOTHER BABY! Yes, Vienna is going to be a big sister and we are going to be parents once again :) Our hearts are filled with joy and gratefulness for our new blessing, at the same time we are overwhelmed with the great responsibility before us and pray for wisdom to raise this new child. After the miscarriage of our last baby, we don't take any day of pregnancy for granted and are praying that the Lord would allow us to meet this child and enjoy life with him/her. Many are asking if we will find out the gender before his/her birth...the answer is, No. We love the surprise of finding out on the exciting day of birth :) We do have ultrasounds throughout pregnancy however and have already seen our baby...the little heart beat fluttering is truly amazing!

Signing off for now...hoping to get some updated pictures up soon.