Saturday, September 11, 2010

Our New Puppy

I've never been much of an animal person, but lately, seeing my daughter with dogs has melted my heart. She seems to adore them, imitates their barks, and giggles when she's around them or sees a picture of one. She has certainly inherited her daddy's heart for animals so her mommy has decided to jump on the "band wagon" and came up with the questionably "brilliant plan" to get a puppy. Yes, my sanity is in question right now as I juggle a soon to be toddler and a tiny puppy who has no clue that the floor is not the place to pee. This may be a long road of juggling two babies but hey, Vienna is in love and I think it will be precious to see her and our "yet to be named" puppy grow up together. I have seriously considered putting diapers on this puppy...why not? It works for Vienna! Haha.

Wish me luck in this adventure...

This is what happens on the face of a little girl when you take her puppy away...

And this is what happens when she gets him back...

Mr. "no name" puppy...still trying to decide what to call him. Suggestions anyone???

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