Recently, Vienna and I returned from a delightful visit with Vince's family up in Michigan. The weather was lovely, the landscape beautifully green and the time with family, refreshing. We relaxed, went shopping, visited with some extended family, took lots of pictures, got to know each other even better, and watched Vienna's every move, discovery and facial expression.
The flight there was for the most part, uneventful and Vienna did very well. However, on the way home, it was far from boring...but I think in this case, boring would have been the way to go! :)
Getting through security was a breeze and I thought I had everything under control. I took Vienna into the bathroom to change and feed her and thought that the smart order in which to accomplish the above would be to feed her first before changing her. Apparently her diaper was too soaked to hold anymore and while I sat and nursed her, she wet out the side, all over herself AND ME!!! If you've never had a baby wet down your leg and soak your pants at an airport, you're really missing out. I immediately told myself that it was "no big deal" so that I wouldn't start to panic. After all, our plane was leaving in 30 minutes and we were both a mess! Scrubbing out clothes with hand soap and paper towels isn't the easiest thing to do in the world but we boarded the plane on time and smelled decent enough that no one seemed to notice what had just happened.
Vienna was tired from a long weekend and a busy day...she was very fussy and sort of delirious on the flight home...waking up every 20 minutes or so to look at me with her big blue eyes that seemed to say, "mommy, please get me home soon!" After many tears from baby and a sore back for mommy, we made it home to daddy's loving arms and sweet kisses.
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